Union County

1941 History of Union County


Between 1835 and 1850 many newcomers settled in Union County and many of the earlier settlers expanded their holdings In many instances the second generation of the first settlers bought government land near that on which their parents had already settled.

Rich Precinct which had had no settlers before 1835 now had a few. In 1836 George Rich for whom the precinct was named and whose house was the voting place, entered 120 acres; later, before 1850 the following entries were made: Wm. H. Latham, 448.88 acres; Wm. Grammer, 121.62 acres; James K. Cochran, 343.27 acres; Simm P. Hiller, 80 acres; Tilford Brooks, 280 acres, and Wm. B. Elmore, 280 acres.

In Lick Creek Precinct the following settlements were entered between 1835 and 1850: John M. Cochran, 320 acres; George E. Stokes, 160 acres; Wm. A. Roberts, 200 acres; Larkin S. Brooks, 40 acres; Elijah Brooks, 200 acres; Uriah Anderson, 120 acres; Wiggs and Ashley, 120 acres; Nancy Boswell, 40 acres; Nathan Boswell, 120 acres; Lazarus Wiggs, 80 acres; Jefferson Anderson, 40 acres; Hiram Penoyer, 40 acres; John Anderson, 40 acres; George A., Goddard, 200 acres; Jeremiah White, 40 acres; Stephen Howard, 40 acres; Permele Anderson, 40 acres; Thomas Boswell, 40.78 acres; Martin Walts, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 40 acres; Stephen Howard, 40 acres; Rollins Henderson, 40 acres; Arthur Allen, 160 acres; Littleberry Allen, 40 acres; and Henry Hileman, 280 acres.

The following settlements were added in Saratoga Precinct: Calvin A. Goodman, 40 acres; Jessie and John M. Owens, 43.72 acres; John Bevans, 226.98 acres; J. W. Owens, 40 acres; Alexander M. Jenkins, 40 acres; Solomon Henry Sitter, 232.78 acres; John Skelton, 40 acres; Wiggs and Ashley, 40 acres; William Miller, 120 acres; Benjamin F. Preston, 40 acres; Wm. H. Reed, 248 acres; Urias Martin, 46.14 acres; Conrad Sitter, 92.29 acres; Hezia Martin, 44 acres; Preston Anderson, 44 acres; Thomas Shearer, 160 acres; Tobias Verble, 44.61 acres; Lewis Bryant, 40 acres; John Worsham, 40 acres; William Miller, 80 acres; Henry C. Hileman, 40 acres; John Lemley, 80 acres; Frederick Johnson, 80 acres; Henry Kolpe, 40 acres; Samuel Clutts, 40 acres; Matthias Caraker, 40 acres; Jacob Caraker, 40 acres; Thomas Lingle, 40 acres; George Lemley, 40 acres; John Jumpers, 40 acres; Thomas Stokes, 40 acres; Christian Lookingbee* 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 80 acres; William Miller, 40 acres; Jacob W. Haire, 80 acres; James Kelley, 40 acres; Jacob Lence, 40 acres; Jonathan Rich, 40 acres; Michael Dillow, 40 acres; David Lence, 40 acres; Martin Mull, 40 acres; Henry Lingle, 250.93 acres; Daniel Mull, 80 acres; George Hartland, 40 acres; David Lingle, 80 acres; Jacob Burlman, 40 acres; Joseph Kestler, 40 acres; John J. Lingle, 86.78 acres; Caleb Hartline, 136.29 acres; Henry Mull, 48.15 acres; Alex W. Lingle, 80 acres; David Lentz, 80 acres; Paul Lingle, 40 acres; David Green, 40 acres, and Thomas Rich, 40 acres.

Stokes Precinct added George Hileman with 285.06 acres; John Hileman, 80 acres; Daniel Beets, 45.05 acres; John H. Williams, 45.05 acres; John Penninger, 90.43 acres; Edna Stokes, 120 acres; George E. Stokes, 80 acres; Thomas Stokes, 40 acres; Zilpha Sivia, 40 acres; Needham Wiggs, 200 acres; John Stokes, 40 acres; James Williams, 37 acres; Caleb Musgrave, 40 acres; Arthur Allen, 80 acres; William Standard, 80 acres; Thomas Standard, 80 acres; Joel M. Huffman, 206.78 acres; James S. Miller, 80 acres; Daniel Gore, 80 acres; Mary Gore, 80 acres; John McLane, 40 acres; Morgan Bryant, 120 acres; Calvin Bridges, 40 acres; Abner Cox, 120 acres; Henrietta A. Williams, 40 acres; James Bishop, 120 acres; Doctor H. Toler, 40 acres; Jones Stokes, Sr., 240 acres; John McGinnis, 240 acres; Stephen Toler, 40 acres; Thomas C. Bozier, 80 acres; James I. Toler, 40 acres; Jessie Toler, 520 acres; Jacob Sivia, 40 acres; John Quinn, 40 acres; John Hinkle, 40 acres; William Wiggs, 40 acres; William Penninger, 165.37 acres; Priscilla Frogg, 45.37 acres; Green B. Harrison, 40 acres; Robert Throgmorton, 228.75 acres; Jacob Verble, 44.55 acres; John Verble, 40 acres; George Davis, 80 acres; Jacob Peler, 40 acres; Clarissa Bishop, 80 acres; Meredith Spence, 252.98 acres; Sylvester Adams, 86.78 acres; Barnett Weaver, 40 acres; Joshua Patterson, 40 acres; Wilson Arnold, 40 acres; Jessie N. Miles, 80 acres; Joshua Peterson, 40 acres; William S. Davis, 87.68 acres; Sylvester Adams, 233.10 acres; Nancy A. Davis, 86.78 acres: Joseph Davis, 40 acres; Francis Brown, 40 acres; Charles Smith, 40 acres, and James H. Rankin, 40 acres.

The new landowners of Dongola Precinct were John Davis, 50.13 acres; Henry Verble, 49.04 acres; James Lingal, 98.09 acres; Alex S. Penninger, 80 acres; Daniel Hileman, 40 acres; William Penninerer, 47.50 acres; John Verble, 56.82 acres; George W. Otrich, 107.25 acres; Spence Laws, 105.25 acres; Paul Hofner. 40 acres; Caleb Linger, 40 acres; Henry Kellar, 40 acres; John Corzine, 80 acres; Martin Hoffner, 48.54 acres; Thomas Allen, 49.24 acres; Charles Lence, 49.27 acres; Lewis Misenheimer, 80 acres; John Allen, 80 acres; Terna Misenheimer, 40 acres; Daniel Lingle, 120 acres; Mose Misenheimer, 160 acres; Henry Misenheimer, 80 acres; Silas Jones, 160 acres; Absolom Keller, 120 acres; Francis Brown, 120 acres; James A. Penrod, 40 acres; Daniel W. Jones, 40 acres; Thomas Gore, 40 acres; Morton Cai'ter, 40 acres; Daniel Penrod, 40 acres; John Fink, 80 acres; Winstead Davie, 124.90 acres; Reuben H. Corzine, 80 acres; George Davalt, 120 acres; David Penrod, 40 acres; Robert Baggs, 80 acres; Young D. Garner, 80 acres; Eli Coss, 40 acres; Elias Misenheimer, 80 acres; Rachel Karraker, 40 acres; Eli Corzine, 80 acres; Daniel Karraker, 80 acres; Henry Hinkel, Jr., 80 acres; Sarah Hinkle, 40 acres; William Hinkle, 80 acres; George Corzine, 50.41 acres; Charles Lentz, 100.91 acres; Henry Barringei, 80 acres; David Ernest, 40 acres; John Trexler, 80 acres; Philip Hinkle, 40 acres Abner Keller, 40 acres; Elkono Keller, 160 acres; Nancy Karraker, 80 acres; John J. Carter, 80 acres; James Cress, 40 acres; David Beggs, 120 acres; Stephen T. Barton, 200 acres; John Beggs, 80 acres; David Peler, 40 acres; Jacob Peeler, 40 acres; Henry Sticker, 80 acres; Willoughby Gales, 80 acres; Thomas Mcintosh, 80 acres; Alexander Beggs, 120 acres; Alley D. Boren, 40 acres; A. Misenheimer, 80 acres; Tobias Misenheimer, 40 acres; Hosea Mcintosh, 40 acres; John Mcintosh, 80 acres; John C. Albright, 120 acres; Monroe G. W. Lingle, 80 acres; John Hoffner, 160 acres; Bazil Boren, 160 acres; John Knup, 80 acres; Henry Sowers, SO acres; James Noel, 34.92 acres; Elizabeth Noel, 34.92 acres; Daniel Trees, 40 acres; Charles Littlejohn, 40 acres; Harmon F. Whitacre, 40 acres; John J. Denning, 97.03 acres; Thomas Brewster, 40 acres; Debar Deming, 40 acres; Hezekiah C. Hardin, 124.23 acres; Napoleon B. Walker, 120 acres; Young J. Vancil, 40 acres; James Warren, 40 acres; William Hagler, 40 acres; John Hagler, 40 acres; William J. Biggs, 40 acres; Timothy Anderson, 40 acres; Alfred Anderson, 44.90 acres; Anslem Guthrie, 340 acres; Henry Hope, 80 acres; Sampson Keith, 40 acres; John O. Daniel, 120 acres; Hezikiah C. Hodge, 80 acres; John Lockard, 120 acres; Robert C. Armstrong, 40 acres; Joseph Battson, 80 acres; Daniel Barringer, 40 acres; Jacob Linsley, 40 acres; John D. Fly, 80 acres; William Oaks, 80 acres; Anna Roberts, 40 acres; Larkin F. Brooks, 240 acres; Henry C. Stout, 200 acres; Evan Roberts, 40 acres; Jefferson T. Denning, 80 acres; James C. Swinford, 160 acres; Henry Casper, 160 acres; James Guthrie, 80 acres; Jacob Simmerman, 400 acres; Phtilip Clutts, 120 acres, William Brocker, 80 acres; Evasmus Hardin, 80 acres; Charles Hagler, 80 acres; James Ferril, 40 acres; Ignatius O'Daniel, 40 acres; Thomas Ferril, 84.77 acres; William Griffin, 44.77 acres; Rebecca Scott, 44.90 acres; Daniel Ireland, 89.80 acres; Reuben A. Morris, 44.90 acres; Jacob Chitts, 80 acres; James L. Wallace, 80 acres; John FerĀ« rill, 211.92 acres; Singleton P. Tweedy, 45.96 acres; William L. Lamer, 45.97 acres; Ary McGraw, 40 acres; William Neal, 40 acres; Alfred Vancil, 40 acres; Peter Sifford, 240 acres; M. S. Allen, 40 acres; John Lence, Jr., 500 acres; William Rich, 80 acres; Solomon Lence, 120 acres; Nancy Lence, 40 acres; Joseph West, 80 acres; George Snyder, 40 acres; Henry Barrington, 80 acres Peter Rymer, 160 acres; George Sevar, 40 acres; Wiley Davidson, 40 acres; Adam Clapp, Jr., 40 acres; John Dillow, 160 acres; Anthony George, 40 acres; Silas Corzine, 40 acres; Frederick Barringer, 80 acres; Edward Mowery, 40 acres; Pete Barringer, Jr., 40 acres; Alexander H. Corzine, 80 acres; George P. Sheffola, 40 acres; Washington McLane, 40 acres; Samuel Seals, 40 acres; Henry W. Otrich, 80 acres; Joseph Rinehart, 80 acres; John File, 40 acres; Aaron Barringer, 40 acres; John Peeler, 120 acres; Simon Albright, 40 acres; George Devolt, 40 acres; Andrew Shaffer, 40 acres; George Mowery, 80 acres and Jacob Dillow, Jr., 40 acres.

Cobden Precinct increased its occupied area by the settlement of Alexander Smith who occupied 40 acres; Moses Trees, 80 acres; Aaron Trees, 120 acres; William Russell, 40 acres; Peter Luce,'4u acres; Mathiaa Caraker, 40 acres; Jacob Caraker, 80 acres; Jacob W. Haire, 40 acres; David Dillow, 40 acres; Abraham Cover, 235.82 acres; Caleb S. Sitter, 120 acres; Boston Lentz, 75.83 acres; Paul Hofner, 40 acres; Andrew Lence, 40 acres; Peter Lence, 172.96 acres; Calvin Armstrong, 40 acres, Jefferson Menard, 160 acres; Solomon Sitter, 34.53 acres; Conrad Sitter, 103.60 acres; John Barringer, 80 acres; Daniel Barringer, 40 acres; John Beaseley, 40 acres; Jacob Clem, 30.89 acres; Isaac Trees, 40 acres; Eli Beaver, 80 acres; David Miller, 28.31 acres; Paul Lingle, 27.82 acres; Charles Lingle, 107.52 acres; Stephen Casper, 40 acres; John Shuesnig, 40 acres; Eli Beaver, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 66.01 acres; Benedict Mull, 46.50 acres; John Lingle, 160 acres; Henry Ferril, 40 acres; John D. Lamer, 200 acres; Henry Randleman, 200 acres; Samuel Mackey, 40 acres; Mary Renthman, 40 acres; James Holloway, 40 acres; James B. Coulter, 40 acres; Thomas Cox, 80 acres; Frank W. Coulter, 40 acres; David Masters, 80 acres; Jacob Rendleman, 160 acres; Christopher Houser, 160 acres; George Smith, 80 acres; Perry Hauser, 160 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 90 acres; Andrew Smith, Jr., 40 acres; Adam Smith, 80 acres; David Smith, 80 acres; Moses Fite, 40 acres; Edmund Vancil, 40 acres; Catherine Landrith, 80 acres; Joseph Hickman, 40 acres; George Bean, 101.62 acres; George Simpson, 34 acres; and Henry Lyerle, Jr., 97.75 acres.

The expansion of Anna Precincts was made by Henry Casper, 45.66 acres; Charles Miller, 45.66 acres; Stephen Casper, 45.66 acres; James Trees, 45.66 acres; Conrad Sitter, 200 acres; Charles Barringer, 160 acres; John Frogge, 120 acres; Henry Trees, 80 acres; Alex J. Nimmo, J.20 acres; Charles M. Northern, 40 acres; John Barringer, 80 acres; John Williams, 120 acres; James Fike, 200 acres; Peter Simmerman, 160 acres; Luther Armstrong, 40 acres; Henry Barringer, 40 acres; Benjamin Evans, 40 acres; Ransom Beaseley, 40 acres; David Armstrong, 80 acres; John Boss, 160 acres; William Murphy, 40 acres; John Ballard, 40 acres; Arthur Frogge, 80 acres; Urias Martin, 40 acres; I. and Wm. Bizzel, 80 acres; Wesley Nimmo, 40 acres; Mary Mills, 80 acres; Basil B. Craig, 80 acres; William J. B. Hanners, 40 acres; Robert Hamilton, 160 acres; Isaac Bizzel, 40 acres; William C. Millis, 160 acres; Walter Bearhope, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 200 acres; Calvin W. Sessions, 80 acres; Peter Barringer, 80 acres; William H. Mills, 40 acres; James A. Nash, 40 acres; Thomas Hodges, 80 acres; Samuel T. Hunsaker, 40 acres; William Henry, 160 acres; Aaron Barringer, 40 acres; Richard W. Sessions, 80 acres; Herman Bailey, 40 acres; George Davis, 40 acres; David Spence, 40 acres; Emanuel Davis, 40 acres; John M. McElhaney, 120 acres; Martin Brown, 40 acres; Joseph Martin, 160 acres; James West, 40 acres; Samuel Martin, 160 acres; David Davis, 280 acres; Solomon Davis, 80 acres; Silas Hess, 40 acres; Caleb Frick, 40 acres; Luther Armstrong, 4D acres; John Williams, 40 acres; Cerenthy Barringer, 40 acres; Catharine Williams, 40 acres; Timothy Goddard, 80 acres; Curtis Stonecipher, 80 acres; Henry Barringer, 40 acres; Preston Anderson, 40 acres; Samuel M. Goddard, 80 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; Benjamin Eaves, 160 acres; Richard Henson, 40 acres; Daniel Barringer, 120 acres; Talbert Sainer, 40 acres; Christian Hileman, 120 acres; Winstead Davie, 80 acres; Jacob Hunsaker, Jr., 160 acres; James Ellis, 40 acres; Caleb Casper, 40 acres; Alison and Daniel Cover, 40 acres; Charles Trees, 165.50 acres; Peter Casper, 40 acres; Alexander Trees, 45.50 acres; W. Willard and J. Rinehart, 181.62 acres; James A. Grover, 49.59 acres; John Rinehart, 45.59 acres; Peter Cruse, 40 acres; Levi Craven, 120 acres; Jacob Hileman, 40 acres; Mary Campbell, 80 acres; Abraham Miller, 120 acres; Solomon Davis, 40 acres; Wiley Davis, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 120 acres; John E. Rance, 40 acres; Nathan Sames, 80 acres; Samuel T. Hunsaker, 40 acres; John Hess, 40 acres; Jane Hess, 40 acres; Tolbert Sames, 40 acres; Abraham F. Hunsaker, 40 acres; John Rinehart, 80 acres; Elias V. Winget, 200 acres; James B. Powell, 40 acres; Jonathan Woolsey, 40 acres; James A. Smith, 80 acres; Washington McLane, 40 acres; Edward B. Ohusted, 40 acres; Wesley G. Nimmo, 40 acres; Alexander Frick, 40 acres; Michael Craver, 240 acres; Tobias Verbal, 80 acres; David Craver, 40 acres; Joseph Hess, 80 acres; James B. Powell, 80 acres; Leonard Knup, 80 acres; Benjamin W. Brooks, 160 acres; Isaac J. Lyerley, 80 acres; R. V. Marshall, 160 acres; Thomas James, 80 acres; Wiley J. Vinson, 80 acres; Edmund Davis, 40 acres; Benjamin L. Corzine, 40 acres; George Brown, 240 acres; James J. Hunsaker, 120 acres; James I. Alexander, 80 acres; Marion C. Porthaven, 40 acres; Syrian Davis, 80 acres; Martin M. Brown, 80 acres; and Wilson Corzine, 120 acres.

Jonesboro Precinct added Jacob Miller, 40 acres; William Rymer, 40 acres; Peter Albright, 80 acres; John Fink, 40 acres; Elizabeth Davidson, 80 acres; Morgan Davidson, 80 acres; William Penrod, 35 acres; Peter Caubb, 80 acres; Jacob Rhodes, 80 acres; John Crowell, 40 acres; John N. Rhodes, 40 acres; George Bean, 40 acres; John Dougherty, 160 acres; William C. Whitlock, 73.74 acres; John Hartline, 40 acres; James Ellis, 160 acres; Drake H. Huddman, 40 acres; John Reynolds, 40 acres; Robert W. Waggoner, 66.94 acres; Charles Crowell, 40 acres; James Morgan, 80 acres; William Louis, 40 acres; George Kimmel, 80 acres; Kenneth Hargrave, 282.04 acres; Hiram Tripp, 40 acres; Elijah McGraw, 40 acres; Crawford Trees, 40 acres; Christian Fromm, 40 acres; John Parmer, 40 acres; David Amundel, 40 acres; William Goodbody, 40 acres; Nicholas Tripp, 80 acres; George Foggart, 80 acres; John Cruse, 40 acres; Andrew Deardorf, 40 acres; Caleb Frick, 40 acres; John J. Grammer, 40 acres; William Tripp, 40 acres; Aaron Grammer, 40 acres; Sarah A. Sugar, 40 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 40 acres; Lafayette Damron, 40 acres; Robert Hargrave, 200 acres; John C. Sherro, 80 acres; Philip Cruse, 40 acres; Thomas Whitaker, 40 acres; James Morgan, 160 acres; Levi White, 80 acres; John Conkey, 80 acres; Levi Lewis, 80 acres; Joel Barker, 40 acres; Jesse Barker, 40 acres; James H. Whitlock, 36.81 acres; Nancy Goodwin, 40 acres; Andrew Eaves, 40 acres; Jonathan Eaves, 40 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 80 acres; George Greer, 40 acres; Benjamin Vancil, 66.81 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 80 acres; Jacob Frick, 40 acres; William Millis, 40 acres; John Wadkins, 26.81 acres; David Meadow, 26.81 acres; Andrew Braswell, 26.94 acres; Francis H. Brown, 26.94 acres; Laird H. Furguson, 40 acres; Mary Delves, 40 acres; Richard Brotton, 40 acres; and Charles Brown, 24.56 acres.

In Misenheimer Precinct additional settlements were made by John M. Hileman, 40 acres; Henry Lence, 40 acres; John Light, 40 acres; Alfred Misenheimer, 80 acres; Edward Dunn, 40 acres; Peter Dillow, 40 acres; Jacob Dillow, 80 acres; William L. Batner, 40 acres; Willey Stripler, 40 acres; Jacob Miller, 40 acres; Jacob Psizer, 40 acres; Christian Rinehart, 40 acres; Joshua Allen, 80 acres; John Phitzer, 40 acres; Noah Mowery, 80 acres; Miles Mowery, 80 acres; Lewis Vick, 40 acres; John Pool, 120 acres; John Mowery, Jr. 80 acres; John Blown, 40 acres; Isaac Brown, Jr., 40 acres; George H. Brown, 80 acres; Alexander Douglas, 120 acres; Barbara Mitchell, 40acres; Oscar P. Montgomery, 40 acres; John Smith, 40 acres; John Brown, 40 acres; James M. Phelan, 40 acres; Christopher Keller, 40 acres; Samuel A. James, 40 acres; Jacob Brown, 40 acres; Christopher W. Teller, 40 acres; Peter Cruse, Sr., 80 acres; Levi Caster, 80 acres; John Knupp, 40 acres; John Weaver, 40 acres; George Smith, 40 acres; Jane Montgomery, 40 acres; Jacob J. Misenheimer, 200 acres; David Misenheimer, 80 acres; Bradford Brown, 40 acres; William C. Nimmo, 38.50 acres; Jonathan Woolsey, 38.50 acres.

Mill Creek Precinct added Peter Cruse, Jr., 80 acres; Nathaniel W. Manville, 200 acres and William Huston, 40 acres.

Alto Precinct was increased by settlements made by Philip Cripps, 37.40 acres; Peter Cripps, 152.04 acres; Thomas Craft, 40 acres; Anderson Brown, 40 acres; David Smith, 40 acres; Isaac Miller, 160 acres; Thomas James, 80.16 acres; Wilson James, 80 acres; John Dougherty, 236.44 acres; Simon B. Sublett, 406.34 acres; William James, 204.80 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 42.40 acres; Jacob Rhoades, 42.40 acres; Parish G. Abernathy, 42.10 acres; William Shurley, 42.10 acres; Franklin M. Bennett, 80 acres; William Green, 240 acres; Andrew Deardorff, 40 acres; Robert H. Bennett, 160 acres; Enoch H. James, 49.61 acres on Island 26; Jeremiah Hutchinson, 40 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 42.40 acres; William C. Whitlock, 120 acres; Levi Lefler, 40 acres; Martin Green, 80 acres; John Eaton, 120 acres; Jacob Rhodes; John Tweedy, 40 acres.

Union Precinct added John Smith, 29.75 acres; Mary Smith. 29.75 acres; Henry Sherald, 64.75 acres; Samuel Vancil, 324.25 acres; Daniel Sammons, 74.25 acres; John Warralle, 40 acres; Joseph Kimmel, 40 acres; Jacob Bennett, 40 acres; William D. Craier, 80 acres; Charles Conway, 80 acres; Joseph Joy, Jr., 80 acres; Elijah Willard, 360 acres; Willis Willard, 40 acres; George Kimmel, 80 acres; William Lewis, 80 acres; Charles C. Gatewood, 40 acres; Jessie Barker, 40 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 80 acres; Hugh Penrod, 80 acres; David Kimmel, 80 acres; Jacob G rammer, 40 acres; John Grammer, 40 acres; Joel Barker, 40 acres; Andrew J. Dickinson, 80 acres; Ransom Ledbetter, 40 acres and Winstead Davie, 80 acres.

Reynolds Precinct grew more than any other river section during the period between 1835 and 1850. Entries added here were Jessie Barker, 80 acres; William Ballard, 40 acres; Jacob Trees, 83.24 acres; Hithiper A. James, 80 acres; Josiah Goodman, 40 acres; David Trees, 41.02 acres; Jonathan Eaves, 41.02 acres; Young E. Brown, 41.08 acres; Josiah Goodman, 40 acres; Jacob Rinehart, acres; Young E. Brown, 41.20 acres; Isaac Frick, 82.80 acres; James M. Phelan, 169.62 acres; Peter Lingle, 80 acres; Robert S. Reynolds, 119.97 acres; Christian Hileman, 80 acres; Adam Hileman, 40 acres; John Yost, 80.32acres; John Dougherty, 160 acres; Samuel Vancil, 89.47 acres, on Island 21; Jacob Littleton, 197.16 acres; Jonathan Madden, 23.58 acres on Island 21; Francis H. Brown, 40 acres; Bradford Brown, 40 acres; Jeremiah Brown, 117 acres; Jacob Brown, 36 acres; Lard H. Ferguson, 80 acres; Washington Brown, 40 acres; John G. Wilkins, 127.75 acres; James Brown, Sr., 37.34 acres; Jeremiah and James Brown, 35.84 acres; Daniel Kimmel, 318 acres; Caleb Casper, 80 acres; John C. Shore, 80 acres; Robert S. Reynolds, 160 acres; Benjamin W. Brooks, 363.19 acres; Elijah Willard, 40 acres; Adam Hileman, 40 acres; James N. Brooks, 36 acres; John M. Johnson, 98.84 acres; John Masel, 126.58 acres; George W. Green, 155.05 acres on Island 24; John M. Lacy, 160 acres on Island 24; P. Whitney and S. Randall, 36.63 acres on Island 24; Thomas and William Johnson on Island 24; William Carter and S. H. Poe, 47 acres on Island 24; Calvin J. Price, 240 acres; George Kimmel. 68.64 acres; Thomas James, 105.30 acres; Wiley J. Sames, 40 acres; Adam Hileman, 160 acres; Allen W. Kimmel, 54.62 acres; Thomas Hamilton, 157.17 acres; Ralph Thornton, 120 acres; John W. Rorax. 293.97 acres; Samuel Ballard, 170.48 acres; John Baltzell, 181.71 acres; John A. Woodry, 40 acres; Jacob N. Nealey, 66.25 acres on Island 25 and Enoch H. James, 97.99 acres.

Preston Township added Elijah Willard, 492.20 acres; William Aldridge, 188.12 acres; Lewis Dowd, 40 acres; George W. Henson, 80 acres; Jacob Schwartz, 71.46 acres; David Lively, 40 acres; William Noel, 40 acres; Adam Cauble, 186.37 acres; Henry S. Osborn, 80 acres; James Cox, 80 acres; John Rorex, 160 acres; Hiram Freeman, 40 acres; Delila Cauble, 40 acres; James Y. Johnson, 120 acres; Benedict Johnson, 40 acres; William Harris, 40 acres; George Smith, 40 acres; Abraham Williams, 80 acres; Elizabeth Johnson, 40 acres; Nicholas P. Tripp, 40 acres; John Tweedy, 40 acres; William G. Tweedy, 80 acres; James W. Tweedy, 40 acres; Henry Sherrell, 40 acres; Samuel Ballance, 120 acres; Pearl P. McClintock, 240 acres; William C. Whitlock, 160 acres and Charles M. Willard, 40 acres; John Freeman, 240 acres; Esther H. Osborn, 80 acres.

It is evident that Anna, Dongola and Reynolds precincts enjoyed the largest growth during this period. This is probably due to the fact that the bottom land in Union and Preston had previously been occupied and the rolling country away from the river was being cleared first because these fields were more tillable after they were cleared than the hill lands. The bulk of the population was in the western part of the county because river transportation was the most important during that period.

The next decade 1850 to 1860 completely changes life in Union county.


From 1850 to 1860 is a transition period in Union County because new methods of transportation were introduced which caused first, another large increase in population; second, immigration from New England and the Northeastern states instead of entirely from the south (Kentucky and Tennessee and the southeastern states) as it had been before this period; third, the introduction of more scientific methods of agriculture; fourth, the growth of new types of crops; fifth, more sale of more products because of increased shipping facilities, and sixsh, establishments of new towns.

The new methods of transportation introduced were the Plank Road and the Illinois Central Railroad.

Instead of the rugged pioneer we first saw in Union County who came with his family in a covered wagon in which he lived until he could cut enough trees to build a log cabin and plant the cleared space with seeds which would yield something for his family to eat, making his family practically self-sustaining, we see in 1850 a well developed little community with homes, stores, mills, churches, and schools, in the center of a farming neighborhood located near a river where the settlers and traders exchanged their pro ducts for the articles necessary for the comforts of life, manufactured in the east and shipped by boat to the landings here. Instead of the handmill originally used for grinding grain into meal or flour, horse and steam roller mills had been established. Now the farmer took his grain to the mill to be ground and paid for the work either by cash or by giving the miller enough grain to pay for his services. Now, instead of spinning and weaving the flax, wool or cotton into material at home, wool, cotton and flax were sold to the river traders who took it back east to be made into material and repaid the farmer with new material. Boots and shoes were still made locally as a rule but by cobblers who had established small business of their own, buying their leather from the tanneries and selling their finished product to the people. Before this, the pioneer father had been the cobbler in the home and frequently, the mother had done the work. While most of the people still lived in log houses, saw mills had been established and many houses had been built of sawed lumber. The most pretentious home in Jonesboro at that time belonged to the Willards and is standing today, at present used by Mrs. Moore for a hotel. It is located in the northwest corner of the Jonesboro square but faces the street running parallel to the square.

August 9, 1850, William Tripp, Sr., who immigrated into Illinois August 1, 1811, and settled three miles northeast of old Elvira but who then lived two miles west of Jonesboro, came into court and requested that it be put in writing in the Records of Union County that he was the first man who began building in Jonesboro after the town was laid out in March, 1818. He wished it to be stated that he had lived to see the county change from a dense wilderness into a fine farming community.

Business had changed from the small exchanges made by neighbors or from the trips to Fort Massac and the Saline Salt Works for supplies to the purchase price from stores whose owners bought their wares from the farmer and from the traders on the rivers. Some of these storekeepers bought products from the farmers and took them down the river themselves to New Orleans where they exchanged them for wares to sell in their stores.

By 1850, Philip Kroh had made a trip east and had brought back the first matches ever seen in Union County.

As has been mentioned before, a newspaper had been established and was available to all families who wished to buy it.

Churches had been established and private schools had been taught since 1820. By 1850, one had been taught in the building on the square known as Lincoln Inn, which recently burned, and another in a building which stood across from the present court house.

Forty-nine road districts had been established and one laid out in 1850 completed fifty road districts in the county. They were named Littleton's Ferry, Ridge Number Two, Ridge Number Two and One-half, Reed Ferry, Sublett, Freeman, T. C. Jones, Cauble, Vancil, Houser, Parmley, Ridge Number Eleven, Gregory, Rendleman, Ashburn, Davie, Crise, Arundell, Misenheimer, Brown, Walcker, Paine, Barringer, Dillow, Ferril, Lence, Brockroad, Roberds, Wilderness, Owen, Roberts, Evans, Hileman, Pollard, Hoffner, Brady, Ferguson, Eddleman, Hogan, Cowiker, Earnest, Patterson, Beggs, Abraham Miller and Jonesborough, Armstrong, Tripp, Dughill, Campbell and Davis. The roads were usually named for the person who circulated the petition requesting the road or for the community it served. Many of these roads were hardly more than trails over which one could ride horseback comfortably and many could be used for wagon travel. There was no machinery in those days to use in grading or leveling ground so the roads were as level or as hilly as the country they traversed and as muddy or dry as the weather permitted.

In the Mississippi Bottoms, due to the swamps and overflow, the roads were frequently muddy and since it was necessary to travel over this part of the country in order to take products to the river to be sold or bring back the articles bought outside Union County and shipped in by boat, the mud caused great delay in transportation and some losses. A group of men, interested in transporting products across this part of the county, decided to build a road over which they could lay logs split in the middle with the flat surface up. Such a road was built from the east bank of Clear Creek near Dughill to Willard's Landing on the Mississippi River with all places planked where mud interfered with travel. The road became known as the Plank Road.

The county donated the right-of-way and a group of men, Henry Dishon, Willis Willard, Caleb Frick, William Green, John E. Naill, Lorenzo P. Wilcox and Sidney S. Condon furnished the money necessary to buy materials and employ labor for the construction of the road and a toll gate with a house for the gatekeeper to live in. The gatekeeper was not paid wages but was charged no rent. He was required to collect a fee from every person who passed thru the gate. This fee was used by the above men to maintain the road and the part not needed was divided among them for their share of the proceeds of the business. The road, four miles and seventy-eight and one-half chains long was to belong to this group of men for thirty years according to their contract with the county, provided they should keep it at all times passable by any type of vehicle or coveyance.

In April, 1851, Samuel Hunsaker, John S. Hacker and Joshua Roberts were appointed inspectors of the Jonesboro Plank Road Company by the county board to see that the company kept its contract with the county.

This road was a great improvement at the time it was built but within a few years a new type of road was to be built which would surpass any type of transportation yet available to Union County, the Illinois Central Railroad.


Rich Precinct, which had been sparsely settled enjoyed its first real growth after 1850.. The following land entries were made during the period 1850 to 1855: John P. Elmore, 80 acres; Daniel Davie, 40.50 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, 360 acres; Simon P. Hiller, 80 acres; Abel Baker, 40 acres; Jonathan Clark, 40 acres; Francis Ashley, 40 acres; Elijah L. Hopkins, 40 acres; Allen Brackenbridge, 80 acres; Finas F. McGinnis, 160 acres; Alanson Courtney, 320 acres; John D. Shoemaker, 80 acres; David Trees, 480 acres; George French, 320 acres; John Cochran, 160 acres; Daniel Osborne, 40 acres; William B. Elmore, 280 acres; Levi Dillow, 144.61 acres; William P. Owen, 127.97 acres; Jessie Owen, 122.85 acres; Sarah Bays, 40 acres; Felix A. Goodman, 199.34 acres; Jeremiah Hiller, 120 acres; Axum D. Farmer, 38.28 acres; Thomas Daniels, 321.94 acres; Alanson Courtney, 80 acres; Winstead Davie, 53.75 acres; Solomon Sitter, 40 acres; Lewis P. Holland, 96.82 acres; Henry Thetford, 31.80 acres; William Whitton, 40 acres; Green Berry West, 40 acres; Lemard Sides, 27.76 acres; Cornelius Anderson, 44.90 acres; Perry Roberts, 40 acres; Joseph Batson, 80 acres; John Roberts, 80 acres; John Lockard, 120 acres; John D. Fly, 40 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Lewis Ashley, 80 acres; A. B. Walker, and C. Hagler, 40 acres; Lewis P. Limer, 40 acres; Townsend F. Larkin, 40 acres; Wm. Nesbit, 40 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Alfred B. Peaks. 120 acres; Henry Mull, 40 acres; Charles M. Willard, 80 acres; Joe! Zimmerman, 40 acres; John O. Daniel, 160 acres; Allen Bainbridge, 40 acres; Charles Hagler, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 45.73 acres; Thomas Hartline, 45.73 acres; George W. Robertson, 40 acres; John Fox, 40 acres and Levi Vancil, 80 acres.

Lick Creek Precinct was increased by Absolom W. Coleman, 160 acres; Jones Stokes, 40 acres; John A. Roberts, 120 acres; Lorenzo P. Wilcox, 40 acres; Wilkinson Barringer, 40 acres; John M. Cochran, 40 acres; Thomas M. Hines, 40 acres; Mikola McGinnis, 40 acres; Lewis Ashley, 40 acres; Andrew Lilley, 240 acres; Sarah Bays, 40 acres; William Robaids, 40 acres; Jacob Stonesipher, 320 acres; Silas P. Cochran, 200 acres; William Anderson, 160 acres; John Davis, 40 acres; Andrew J. White, 40 acres; William T. Stokes, 4D acres; Littleberry Butts, 80 acres; James Butts, 120 acres; John H. Grammar, 40 acres; Jessie Roberts, 40 acres; Robert Harris, 80 acres; Bird Wall, 40 acres; Tobias Wiggs, 280 acres; Israel W. Davis, 40 acres; George T. McGinnis, 158.23 acres; James Bruff, 40 acres; Alexander L. Penninger, 120 acres; Browning Wiggs, 120 acres; Wesley Grear, 120 acres; Jessie Miles, 40 acres; Wm. N. Corbitt, 40 acres; Levi Lewis, 80 acres; William Murphy, 160 acres; Thomas R. Johnson, 40 acres; Robert Harris, 40 acres; Joseph Boswell, 40 acres; John Allen, 120 acres; Joshua P. Jenkins, 40 acres; William Morrow, 40 acres; Thomas Boswell, 80 acres; Abraham Halterman, 160 acres; Alexander Thorne, 80 acres; John Davis, 80 acres; Caleb Musgraves, 40 acres; Berry Green, 40 acres; and Wesley Grear, 80 acres.

The additions in Saratoga Precinct were Sarah Bays, 40 acres; Elijah Brocks, 40 acres; David Miller, 160 acres; Nathaniel G. Miller, 40 acres; Hams M. Ridenhower, 40 acres; Win. Cole, 40 acres; Bird Wall, 42.18 acres; Stephen Garrett, 84.38 acres; William Thornton, 42.19 acres; John M. Jenkins, 171.68 acres; Harvey Armstrong, 43.01 acres; Abraham W. Menees, 40 acres; Thomas Ales, 40 acres; Abraham Willenas, 40 acres; John S. Plater, 40 acres; Jacob M. Randell, 40 acres; John Murphy, 160 acres; John H. Beggs, 80 acres; Wm. R. Davis, 40 acres; Thisfield Davis, 40 acres; John Barringer, 40 acres; Abraham Hotteman, 80 acres; John Hotteman, 120 acres; David Culp, 40 acres; William Turner, 40 acres; David Treese, 40 acres; Lewis W. Ashley, 80 acres; Rankin S. Butler, 40 acres; John M. Rich, 120 acres; John Fox, 80 acres; Isaac Hartline, 80 acres; Lard H. Ferguson, 111.20 acres; Catherine Lige, 40 acres; and Charles M. Willard, 160 acres.

The additions in Stokes Precinct were George W. Simmerman, 85.05 acres; John F. Sivey, 240 acres; Wm. Murphy, 80 acres; Berry Green, 120 acres; Alfred Stokes, 80 acres; John M. Toler, 520 acres; Morgan Stokes, 140 acres; William Corbit, 40 acres; Calvin M. Beard, 240 acres; Wm. M. Corbitt, 40 acres; Mary Stokes, 40 acres; Miles Pender, 80 acres; Wm. D. Toler, 40 acres; Ethelred Benson, 40 acres; John Pickerel, 120 acres; Piety W. Cox, 40 acres; Silas Toler, 40 acres; Hugh A. Gurley, 40 acres; Joseph M. Spence, 40 acres; Josiah P. Gore, 40 acres; John Jones, 47.31 acres; Charles Robertson, 48.03 acres; John C. Rothbrook, 48.03 acres; William Ballard, 40 acres; and Daniel Lingle, Jr., 40 acres.

Dongola added George Davis, 50.14 acres; Caleb Lingle, 40 acres; John Allen, 40 acres; Henry Keller, 48.54 acres; Absolem Keller, 40 acres; Columbus Adams, 40 acres; Archibald Beggs, 120 acres; Abraham P. Buford, 40 acres; James R. Bartin, 40 acres; Caleb Lentz, 40 acres; Abraham Misenheimer, 40 acres; Wilson Wilkerson, 50.50 acres; John S. Corzine, 40 acres; Jacob Kestler, 40 acres; Elkano Elkins, 80 acres; Philip Hinkle, 80 acres; Monroe G. W. Lingle, 40 acres; and Christopher Lyerly, 40 acres.

Cobden added Daniel M. McConnell, 40 acres; Joshua Thompson, 40 acres; Butler Treece, 40 acres; Elizabeth Clutts, 40 acres; George W. Burton, 160 acres; William Ingram, 45.19 acres; William Lamer, 80 acres; James P. Craig, 280 acres; John O'Neill, 275.80 acres; Henry Casey, 40 acres; David Vaught, 40 acres; James M. Tweedy, 80 acres; Abram F. Hunsaker, 40 acres; William D. Parker, 40 acres; and Paul Lingle, 40 acres.

Jonesboro was increased by Nathan Sams, 33.10 acres; John Walker, 40 acres; Charles Corzine, 40 acres; W. R. Corzine, 120 acres; G. H. W. Lippard, 40 acres; William A. Lippard, 40 acres; Michael Brady, 120 acres; Charles Lence, 40 acres; Noah Corzine, 40 icres; Alfred Holshouser, 40 acres; Peter Lence, 40 acres; John Keeley, 40 acres; Lewis N. Ashley, 80 acres; Wilson Wilkerson, 40 acres; Thomas Rendleman, 71.73 acres; Robert W. Waggoner, 40 acres; Azel Thornton, 34.25 acres; Nathaniel G. Miller, 40 acres; Charles King, 40 acres; Sarah A. Seegar, 80 acres; Isaac N. Albright, 40 acres; John C. Shore, 40 acres; Francis H. Brown, 80 acres; and Paul Frick, 24.50 acres.

In Anna the newcomers were John W. Watkins, 80 acres; Isaac Treese, 40 acres; Jonas G. Mangold, 40 acres; John Medlin, 40 acres; Noah H. Simmerman, 40 acres; Wm. Eaves, 80 acres; Richard Henson, 80 acres; Wesley Goddard, 40 acres; Christian Hileman, 80 acres; John B. Jones, 80 acres; John M. Spence, 40 acres; James Hammons, 40 acres; Joseph Spence, 120 acres; Zephemia West, 40 acres; Porter Wolcott, 40 acres; Preston Anderson, 40 acres; George Davis, 40 acres; Alexander Frick, 80 acres; Jacob Kanup, 40 acres; John B. Miller, 40 acres; Perry Roberts, 40 acres; George Corzine. 80 acres; James R. Corzine, 40 acres; John Brown, 40 acres; Isaac Brown, 40 acres; Spencer Laws, 39.86 acres; John R. Corzine, 43 acres; John Alms, 40.16 acres; Edmond Davis, 199.17; Edward Lipe, 39.17 acres and Wm. S. Satin, 37.39 acres.

Misenheimer Precinct added John Fluck, 320 acres; Hiram J. Walker, 40 acres; Alexander Misenheimer, 80 acres; Syrian and Edmund Davis, 470.30 acres; Jacob Casper, 40 acres; Moses A. Goodman, 40 acres; John Nidermeyer, 40 acres; James Lively, 348 acres ; John N. Misenheimer, 120 acres; Peter Hileman, 80 acres; John L. Hale, 40 acres; John M. Hileman, 40 acres; David Burton, 320 acres; Noah Mowery, 80 acres; John Mowery, 80 acres; Thomas Durham, 80 acres; Hurd Poole, 40 acres and Moses Hutson, 80 acres.

Alto Precinct added Robert T. Shipley, 40 acres; Michael G. Smith, 80 acres; Parrish G. Abernathie, 80 acres; John T. E. Gore, 40 acres; John Hoefle, 193.36 acres; John Stone, 120 acres; JosephLamer, 40 acres; Henry Rendleman, 40 acres; George H. Lemley. 40 acres; Christopher Houser, 80 acres; Philip Lewis, 40 acres; Joseph Miller, 120 acres; William Sides, 40.86 acres; Alexander Miller, 40 acres; Caleb Lyerly, 120 acres; John Cauble, 40 acres; Nicholas Hunsaker, 40 acres; Jumatta Wright, 80 acres; William Gregory, 40 acres; Robert Brown, 40 acres.

Union Precinct added John Parmley, 120 acres: Andrew J. Lemmons, 72.50 acres; and John Cauble, 40 acres.

Reynolds Precinct added Augustus L. Springs, 80 acres; John Parmley, 40 acres; Preston Baston, 40 acres; and Willard Gain, 320 acres.

Preston Precinct added Farland Laughlin, 80 acres; John Wright, 80 acres; John Cauble, 160 acres; James M. Goodbread, 27.04 acres; and Matthew Wright, 80 acres.

It is noticeable that during this period there was very little expansion in the precincts near the river and the two precincts Rich and Lick Creek had the largest growth in the county.

Contributed 11 Sep 2017 by Norma Hass, extracted from History of Union County, by Lulu Leonard, published in 1941.

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