JAMES W. FULLER, farmer, P. O. Anna. This gentleman is a native of Cayuga County. N. Y., born February 6, 1832. His father, Levi Fuller, was a native of one of the New England States, and was born in 1788. He was brought to New York State by his parents when a boy, and there learned the blacksmith's trade, but worked at the same only for a short time. He went to New Jersey after he became of age, and while there married and soon after removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, and subsequently to Jefferson County, Ill., in 1843-44. Here he remained actively engaged in farming to the time of his death, which occurred in 1875; he was a soldier in the war of 1812, and was at Buffalo, N. Y., at the time the city was taken. His wife, Elizabeth (Wescott) Fuller (subject's mother), was born in New Jersey in 1808, and died in Jefferson County, Ill., in 1872. She was the mother of nine children, of whom the following are now living: Maria, widow of Michael Bond, John W., William, Robert, George and James W., who was the second child. John, William and Robert served through the late war; William was wounded in the head by a shell at the charge on Tunnel Hill. James W. Fuller remained at home with his parents until he was twenty-one years of age and in the meantime received the benefit of the common schools. For eighteen years he was in the employ of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, as track-layer. In the winter of 1852, he came to Union County and located at Anna. He engaged in farming and working at his trade, that of carpentering, which he had learned when a young man. In 1882, he gave up working at his trade, and is now devoting his whole time and attention to his farm which contains 130 acres of good land. On the 30th of July, 1856, he married Miss Emily Mangold, a native of Pennsylvania, who was born July 2, 1835. Her father, Henry Mangold, was born in Germany in 1804, and when he was four years of age he came to America with his parents, who located in Pennsylvania. He was a farmer, carpenter and cooper. He died in 1870. Her mother, Catherine (Gunnold) Mangold, was born in Virginian 1800 and died in 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller have been blessed with the following children: Laura, wife of I. C. Piercol; Kittie, wife of H. J. Hileman; Harry, James L., Franklin and Fred, at home.
Extracted 02 Apr 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 History of Alexander, Union, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, Part V, pages 66-67.
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